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About us

  河北友盟富士羊绒有限公司是中国河北永兴绒毛有限公司和日本深喜毛织株式会社共同出资兴建的中日合资企业,2007年5月通过ISO9001、ISO14001、GB/T28001三大管理体系认证。合资方日本深喜毛织株式会社已有120年的历史,其的羊绒、精湛的技术、创新的设计、高雅的品质,受到欧洲的青睐,并始终羊绒界时尚潮流。公司占地面积20,000平方米,建筑面积10,000平方米,引进国内外先进织造和后整理设备,并配备的检测设备,产品由中日设计师共同研发,拥有雄厚的技术开发创新能力。主要生产以羊绒为主的面料、围巾、披肩及其它羊绒制品,年可生产粗纺羊绒面料100万米,羊绒围巾、披肩60万件。公司生产的“LUYAS” 、“EMBIX”牌系列羊绒面料、围巾、披肩,轻柔舒适,典雅,品质,产品远销日本、欧美。公司位于世界羊绒之都和羊绒加工集散地——清河。青银高速、京九铁路穿境而过,距济南、石家庄机场150公里,交通十分方便。本公司宗旨:“、客户上”。热忱欢迎并愿与国内外业界同仁,诚信合作,共谋发展。Hebei Universe Cashmere Co., Ltd. is a joint venture enterprise co-invested by Hebei Yongxing Downs Co., Ltd. of China and FUKAKI WOOLLEN TEXTILE CO., LTD. of Japan. The company imported advanced weaving and finishing equipment from home and abroad, also equipped with first-rate detection facilities .It mainly produces cashmere scarves、 fabrics and other cashmere products, with an output of 1,000,000 meters fabrics and 600,000 pieces of scarves and shawls per year. They are sold to Japan and Euro-American countries.It locates in Qinghe County, Hebei, which is a world famous place for cashmere processing and e to co-operate with enterprises from home and abroad for mutual benefits.